Nurse on the phone with a patient
Need a nurse?

Call our 24/7 Nurse Line at
1-800-556-1555 (TTY: 711) to speak with a registered nurse, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If it’s an emergency, dial 911.

Meet the SilverSneakers® Member of the Year

She’s an Aetna Medicare Advantage member, just like you. Read Rita Yetsko’s inspiring story to learn how her SilverSneakers membership — a benefit of her Aetna plan — helped turn around her mood and mental health after a dementia diagnosis.

4 ways to save money on healthy living

Budgeting for a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t break the bank. That’s why your Aetna Medicare Advantage plan offers discounts and digital tools to help you save money while you pursue your health goals. Learn more.

Brain foods on a budget

What you eat can have a major impact on your well-being, including your brain health and memory. In fact, eating certain foods might help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.