It has details about your personal coverage and how to make the most of your plan. You can find the website on your Aetna Member ID card.
Headache, fever, rash? Check out our online database to learn more about what might be causing your symptoms, care options and when to call your doctor.
Maybe you’re feeling a little under the weather and want to know what’s causing your symptoms. Or perhaps you’re wondering if it’s time for that health screening, or if your shoulder pain is a sign you might benefit from some physical therapy. We all have health questions — but we don’t always have time to drop everything and head to the doctor’s office, especially for nonemergency issues.
Enter the Healthwise® Knowledgebase. This online tool is an extensive database of hundreds of conditions, symptoms and care options. It’s there to support your well-being and help you make better health decisions. And it’s a no-added-cost tool to members.
To give Healthwise Knowledgebase a try, go to Healthwise.net/Aetna. From there, you can enter a search term or explore a category such as “Conditions,“ “Wellness and Prevention,“ “Life Stages“ and more. Within a category, you can select “Tools” to check your symptoms, learn about key decision points in health care management or assess your well-being.
It has details about your personal coverage and how to make the most of your plan. You can find the website on your Aetna Member ID card.
The Healthwise Knowledgebase database has a tool that helps you understand key decision points related to health management, and medical tests and medications. Throughout your life, you will have to make health decisions for yourself and your family. The decisions you make can influence your overall well-being, as well as the quality and cost of your care. A good decision takes into account the benefits, and risks and costs of each option, plus your own needs and wants.
The Healthwise Knowledgebase is a no-cost-added member benefit. It offers guidance on how to make important and complicated health decisions and what questions to ask your doctor. It also helps answer specific questions, such as:
To get decision-making guidance, choose “Tools” in each category, and then select “Make a Decision.”
Need to find an in-network primary care provider?
Visit AetnaMedicare.com/FindProvider or call Member Services at 1-833-570-6670 (TTY: 711) between 8 AM and 8 PM, 7 days a week.
You can search the Healthwise Knowledgebase by condition — from allergies, digestion and heart conditions to headaches, urinary issues and colds. For this, just type the condition you are curious about in the search bar. Or find it under “Topics” in each category.
Another approach: Take a quiz. The Healthwise Knowledgebase has several interactive questionnaires to help you understand the status of your well-being. For example, there are quizzes that can help you check your stress levels or uncover possible depression. There are also quizzes to help you find out if you’re due for any health screenings or ready to quit smoking.
To use these assessment tools, choose “Tools” in each category, and then select “Learn Your Score.”
Healthwise Knowledgebase also offers an interactive symptom identification tool, for when you feel sick or “off” but want more information before you head to the doctor. The tool will ask you if you’re researching symptoms for an adult or child. Then, you can select from a list of mental and physical symptoms, such as anxiety, weakness and fatigue, heartburn, swelling and more. You’ll be guided through a series of questions that will help you identify any conditions related to your symptom and when things might require a doctor, or even calling 911.
To get to this interactive feature, choose “Tools” in each category, and then select “Check Your Symptoms.”
The Healthwise Knowledgebase database is a handy health resource for you and your loved ones. You’ll discover information you can use to make the most of doctor visits and to make informed choices about your health care.
Save a trip to the pharmacy
You can order up to a 100-day supply of certain medications shipped right to you. Log in to your member website at AetnaMedicare.com/Login to learn more.
Question:“Can I print out information on the Healthwise Knowledgebase topic I’m interested in?”
Answer: Yes! It’s easy to print out the information you find on the Healthwise Knowledgebase, so you can bring it to your next doctor appointment or reference it during a call or telehealth visit.
Just choose the topic you’re interested in, for example “Back and Neck Pain,” then:
1 Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the link for “Advance Printing Options” to go to a Print Manager page.
2 Select all the information you want to print, including symptoms, medications, articles and more.
3 Choose “Create Document” at the bottom of the Print Manager page. This will create a comprehensive, customized guide to help you on your health care journey.
Aetna is a recipient of the Newsweek Best Customer Service Award for 2023.*
*FOR NEWSWEEK AWARD: The 2023 Newsweek America's Best Customer Service rankings were identified from the results of an independent survey of more than 30,000 U.S. customers who have either made purchases, used services, or gathered information about products or services in the past three years. Customers evaluated several brands: in total over 200,000 evaluations were collected. The awarded brands each received on average 100 evaluations from customers. For more information visit https://www.newsweek.com/rankings/americas-best-customer-service-2023
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See Evidence of Coverage for a complete description of plan benefits, exclusions, limitations and conditions of coverage. Plan features and availability may vary by service area. Participating health care providers are independent contractors and are neither agents nor employees of Aetna. The availability of any particular provider cannot be guaranteed, and provider network composition is subject to change.
©2025 Aetna Inc.
Call us at 1-833-570-6670 (TTY: 711) between 8 AM and 8 PM, seven days a week. Or visit Aetna.com/Medicare