How to stay healthy through the holidays

How to stay healthy through the holidays

Enjoy the holiday season with these tips for a healthier, happier you

A grandmother, daughter and granddaughter prepare a meal

‘Tis the season for celebration — and sometimes a little stress and chaos, too. We want to help you stay healthy and grounded through it all. Try these simple tips to maintain your well-being. And then enjoy the festivities.

1. Schedule self-care

Don’t forget to check in with yourself throughout the season. Try getting some fresh air, scheduling downtime to relax or reading a book. It will benefit you (physically and emotionally) and others when you come back refreshed.

A senior couple working together on a laptop
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2. Move your body

Short on time? Remember: A little exercise is better than none. Even a 10-minute walk can make a big difference to your well-being. And don’t be afraid to multitask. Walking around the mall while you window shop or dancing in front of the TV in your home both count as exercise!

3. Prioritize sleep

Getting enough sleep may be the last thing on your mind during the busy holiday season. But lack of sleep can make you more likely to get sick. Turn off your phone and TV at least an hour before bedtime. Then do something relaxing like taking a warm bath or practicing meditation before you crawl into bed.

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Visit or call Member Services at 1-833-570-6670 (TTY: 711) between 8 AM and 8 PM, 7 days a week.  

4. Be anti-social media

It’s not about being a Grinch. If you’re prone to sadness during the holidays — which is common — try to minimize your social media activity this time of year. Misleading pictures of perfection can lead you to think your life is less than. Instead, find something in real life to be grateful for, no matter how small.

5. Give yourself credit

Not everyone’s holiday story is perfect. If you’re around people who may be negative, try boosting your own self-confidence and sense of peace. Use positive affirmations like “I am enough” or “I choose happiness in my life.”

6. Resolve at your own pace

New Year’s resolutions create pressure. Why would you want to start a new year with all that stress? Besides, the date you decide to make a positive change doesn’t really matter: You’re the same person on January 1 as you are on March 15.

Instead, consider life resolutions and don’t watch the calendar. Tell yourself, “If this doesn’t happen right away, and I’m still working on it next year, that’s still progress.” That beats the unrealistic expectation of making dramatic change in an instant.

Small steps go a long way. Toast the new year with a non-alcoholic drink or smaller glass of champagne to welcome in a year of better health. Or vow to reach out to friends, family or professional help when you start to feel down or anxious. No need to hold it in and go it alone.

Have a health question that can’t wait for your next checkup?

Call the 24-Hour Nurse Line at 1-855-493-7019 (TTY: 711) to speak with a registered nurse. If you need urgent or emergency care, call 911 or go to your closest emergency room.

7. Tame sugar cravings

What’s a holiday get-together without sweets? A plain old gathering. So go ahead and treat yourself — just tell yourself “one and done.” Pick your favorite treat and take your time eating it so you can fully enjoy it.

Healthy dark chocolate bark


12 oz. dark chocolate, chopped

1/4 cup chopped nuts (any kind!)

1/4 cup dried cranberries


Line a baking dish with parchment paper. Bring 1 inch of water to a simmer in a saucepan, then reduce heat to low. Place the chocolate in a heat-proof glass bowl that rests on top of the saucepan. Stir until the chocolate is just melted.

Pour the melted chocolate onto the prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle evenly with the nuts and cranberries. Refrigerate 1 hour to chill. Break into pieces and enjoy.

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