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Does your mood drop in the winter? Find out if a condition called major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern may be to blame for your blues. And learn how to feel better.
It’s normal and healthy to feel sad sometimes, especially when a life event is bringing you down. But if you notice feelings of depression in the winter months, you may have major depressive disorder (MDD) with seasonal pattern. (This used to be known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.)
Here’s what MDD with seasonal pattern means, and how to tell if you have a case of the typical short-term blues or something bigger.
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The change of seasons can trigger this form of depression.
Experts don’t know what causes it. But they have a few theories. It might have to do with changes in sunlight exposure. Less sunlight in winter months may disrupt your biological clock. It can also cause you to produce less serotonin, a brain chemical that affects mood.
Seasonal changes can throw off your melatonin levels, too. That’s a hormone that plays a role in mood and sleep. All these changes can lead to feelings of depression, including MDD with seasonal pattern.
You may be at a higher risk of MDD with seasonal pattern if you also have another mental health condition. Some examples are depression or bipolar disorder.*
It’s likely that you’re also at a higher risk of MDD with seasonal pattern symptoms if you live in northern areas, where there is less daylight during the winter.*
The good news is that you don’t have to wait until the seasons change to feel better. If you’re diagnosed with MDD with seasonal pattern, there are treatments out there that can help, says Rebecca Leslie, PsyD. She’s a licensed psychologist based in Atlanta. Here’s how to spot the condition, plus how to get help if you need it.
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Here are four things that can help you tell if you have a case of the typical short-term blues, or if it’s something bigger.
Keep in mind that having just one of the symptoms below doesn’t mean that you have MDD with seasonal pattern, says Leslie. And MDD with seasonal pattern is a type of depression. So, in many ways, the symptoms are much like typical depression. They just either start or get worse with the changing of seasons. If you’re concerned about your mental health, you should reach out to a provider or therapist, she adds.
Short-term blues: Many of us feel a bit blue if the weather turns colder and it gets dark earlier. This can also worsen around the holidays, especially if you aren’t able to see friends and loved ones.
Something bigger: You feel depressed for weeks every time winter months roll around.
Short-term blues: You may feel deeply sad right after the loss of a pet or friend, for example. But the sadness should lift after a week or two. And if you do something you enjoy, like seeing a friend, you should feel a little better.
Something bigger: Do these feelings stay with you most of the day and last for more than two weeks? If so, you’re likely facing something more than just the blues.
Short-term blues: You may not feel up for an event or activity you usually enjoy, like baking or spending time with friends.
Something bigger: Simple things that usually give you pleasure, like reading a book or watching TV, may seem hard. And you may feel overwhelmed doing your day-to-day activities.
Short-term blues: We all have trouble sleeping now and then. It’s especially common during the holiday season. That’s when schedules may change and throw us off our regular routine.
Something bigger: Having trouble sleeping every night? Do you find yourself sleeping a lot and not wanting to get out of bed? These might be signs of depression.
If you think you may be experiencing MDD with seasonal pattern, call your primary care provider (PCP). Or you can call the 24-Hour Nurse Line at 1-855-493-7019 (TTY: 711) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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All of the things that normally work to lift your mood can be helpful for easing symptoms of MDD with seasonal pattern. On the list: getting regular exercise, keeping in touch with friends and getting enough nourishment. But there are also a few treatments that are unique for MDD with seasonal pattern.
With light therapy, you sit a few feet away from a special light therapy lamp within the first hour of waking up. Exposure to bright light early in the day appears to cause changes in the brain hormones linked to mood, says Leslie.
It often starts working in a few days to a few weeks, according to the Mayo Clinic. And light therapy can improve symptoms of depression. According to research in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, symptoms can improve by almost 40 percent.*
You’ll find light therapy lamps at many drug stores like CVS® and big-box stores like Walmart. If you can’t get one, seek out more sunlight during your day, when possible. Open your blinds and sit near a sunny window, especially first thing in the morning.
Better yet, spend time outside. You could go for a walk, or just sit on your front steps with a cup of hot coffee and a good book. Even if it’s a gray day, exposure to natural light can help ease depression symptoms. If you have questions, ask your PCP what might work best for you.
Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, also helps treat symptoms of MDD with seasonal pattern. One type of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This is a form of therapy that helps you shift your perspective and find coping skills. In CBT, you might:
About 50 percent of people who have CBT for MDD with seasonal pattern get relief from their symptoms.*
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Your provider may suggest that you try an antidepressant. These medicines work to treat MDD with seasonal pattern. Studies show that about 60 percent of people experience improvement while taking them.* Some that are often prescribed include:
An antidepressant can take several weeks to kick in. Work with your provider for a treatment plan that is right for you.
Whether you try medicine or another treatment, working with your provider and taking an active approach can make a difference. Doing so can help you feel better and get back to enjoying the change of seasons.
If you're struggling with feelings of loneliness or depression, let us help.
Call us at 1-833-570-6670 (TTY: 711). Our Member Services team is available between 8 AM and 8 PM, 7 days a week. They can connect you with mental health counseling resources. And explain your plan’s mental health benefits.
Coverage may include:
*FOR INCREASED RISK OF MDD WITH SEASONAL PATTERN SOURCE: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus. Seasonal affective disorder. August 2020.
*FOR INCREASED RISK IN NORTHERN AREAS SOURCE: National Institute of Mental Health. Seasonal affective disorder. 2023.
*FOR DEPRESSION AND SLEEP SOURCE: Johns Hopkins Medicine. Depression and sleep: understanding the connection.
*FOR EFFICACY OF LIGHT THERAPY FOR MDD WITH SEASONAL PATTERN SOURCE: Pjrek E, Friedrich ME, Cambioli L, et al. The efficacy of light therapy in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. January 2020; 89(1): 17-24.
*FOR EFFICACY OF CBT FOR MDD WITH SEASONAL PATTERN SOURCE: Up to Date. Seasonal affective disorder: treatment. August 2024.
*FOR EFFICACY OF MEDICATION FOR MDD WITH SEASONAL PATTERN SOURCE: Up to Date. Seasonal affective disorder: treatment. August 2024.
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